The Problem With Punishment (Part 1)
When using aversives as punishment for undesirable behaviour, there are a number of negative consequences that could potentially occur.
Rethinking The Finicky Dog
Most dogs aren’t picky eaters – they are well known for big appetites, but “most dogs” doesn't mean all dogs. So what to do when your dog is
What's The Right Breed Of Dog For You?
With countless dog breeds to choose from, how will you choose which breed is right for you... or will you simply make your choice based on '
The Flawed 'Alpha Wolf' Theory
The term 'Alpha Wolf' is a product of research conducted on captive wolves over 60 years ago, and has overlapped onto the relationships we h
The Dominance Theory Myth
Despite advancements in our knowledge of canine behaviour, outdated theories still exist. As it relates to human-canine relationships, Domin
Children In The Dog Park
The purpose of an off-leash dog park is to provide dogs (not children) with the space and freedom of movement to exercise and socialize free
People Don't Praise Their Dogs Enough
Sometimes it's really hard not to generalize, but I do feel the need to generalize right now by saying, "People don't praise their dogs...
Family Dog or Resident Dog?
One of they many problems with Breed Specific Legislation is that it does not take into account the circumstances that affect the...
BSL - Breed Specific Legislation
Breed-specific legislation (commonly referred to as BSL) is a law or ordinance that is passed to impose regulations on specific dog...
The Dog Park - Good, Bad or ... ?
The dog park is yet another topic that can provide a lot of discussion and disagreement in the dog world. Is it good? Is it bad? Is the...